




友人の5歳の女の子の誕生日パーティに呼ばれたのですが、プレゼントを何にしようか悩んだときに思い出したのがこれ!オーストラリアでは見つけられないだろうし、知育玩具感もあるので、我ながら冴えている!と思ったのですが、問題は やり方を間違うと成長しないので、 説明書をしっかり読まかければならないのに、説明書が完全に日本語であること。







This is a toy you can grow your own crystal for about 10 days by seeding the magic seeds.


It is quite technical to prepare for 7 years old which is the suitable age according to the toy. The crystal might not grow if there is something wrong so please some adults to help making one.







  1. Read the instruction carefully and follow each step.
  2. Check there is all the material in the box before using it.

A container and a lid, A bag of crystal powder, A little bag of crystal seeds, A base, A stick.


  • Keep out of children.
  • Assistance from adult required when using.
  • Do not eat.
  • The material could stain clothes, a carpet or furniture.
  • If you touched a crystal powder, seeds or liquid, wash with warm water immediately.

Read before using.

Read and understand the instruction carefully before use.

  • The best environment for the crystal to grow is dry 20 to 30 degrees room. The place the temperature changes a lot or high humidity could affect how the crystal grows. The room with minimum temperature difference and no movement of air without sunlight is recommended for the best result. The growth of the crystal depends on the room temperature and the humidity.
  • Do not move the container once seeded and watch out for dust. When dusted remove immediately.
  • Place papers or cloth under the container to avoid the stain when using it.
  • Wash your hands after using it.

How to grow the magic crystal.

1. Place the crystal powder into the container, and then pour boiling water.

  • Watch out for the hot water.
  • Do not use water boiled in aluminium jug.
  • The best water temperature is 90 to 100 degrees.

2. Stir the crystal powder completely using the stick. Once the powder is dissolved, place the lid and wait for the water to become room temperature.

  • The crystal might not grow well when the powder is not dissolved.
  • Stir quickly before the hot water gets cool down.

3. Open the lid when the water cooled down for room temperature. Place the base flat surface down into the container using the stick.

  • It takes about 1 to 3 hours for the water to cool down. The crystal seed would melt if the water is too hot.
  • The flat side of the base down when placing the base into the container.
  • The air bubble comes out when placing the base. Wait until there is no bubble.

4. Pour the crystal seed onto the base.

  • Try to place the seeds in the middle of the base for the best result.

5. Place the lid and leave it for 24 hours.

  • Do not move or shake after pouring the seeds.

6. Remove the lid after 24 hours. And then wait for about 10 days for the crystal to grow.

  • Do not move or shake until the crystal grows completely.

7. Get out the crystal from the water when the crystal is close to the surface. It takes about 10 days. Dry it in a cool dry place without sunlight.

  • The crystal will not grow nicely once it comes out of the water. Get the crystal out when it is close to the surface even under 10 days. If the crystal is growing slowly, you can leave it in water for more than 10 days.
  • The crystal is delicate and fragile. Please be careful when removing from the base.
  • Keep the crystal in a cool dry place out of sunlight. Do not use a hairdryer.
  • Do not wet the crystal as it melts in water once dried.






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